Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Shop Open!

I'm pleased to announce that my shop is open once more after a somewhat extended baby-havin' hiatus. I'm not sure how much the new baby is going to let me work and make new items, but I will at least be able to ship out what's already in my shop. Also, my uncle rigged me up a new exhaust fan for my studio, so I'll be back to work soldering and enameling soon. I'm working on replacing all my studio chemicals with less hazardous versions, so I will have more on that in the upcoming weeks.


Amy F said...

welcome back!

Kira said...


Kira said...


Swati said...

Congratulations!! When was the baby born? Boy? Girl? Did I miss the post about the baby? How are you feeling? If you feel comfortable about it, would you post a picture of your baby on your blog? Would love to see!! Give my love to your baby! (((hugs)))

Copperheart said...

Thanks everybody! We had a baby boy on May 19th. His name is Liam. We decided not to have any photos of him up on the internet. It may be a little paranoid but we decided to play it safe.